Thursday, June 16, 2011

Bartram's Scrub-Hairstreak

Bartram's Scrub-Hairstreak
Bartram's is like a more elegant version of the related Gray Hairstreak (Strymon melinus), with broader white lines, two white dots on the hindwing, longer tails, lovely pale blue fringe when fresh. Bartram's is a distinctive and rare hairstreak of south Florida.

Similar Species Martial Hairstreak has blue above, more rust-colored HW spot below, and lacks white dots near HW base below. Gray Hairstreak has less white on lines below, which are also less solid and straight.
Bartram's Scrub-Hairstreak Bartram's is found in dry, sandy areas where its host plant, the Pineland or Narrow-leafed Croton (Croton linearis), grows. Bartram's steel-gray above, with red spot near shorter tail, rust-colored spot near longer tail; no blue. Below, clear gray crossed by broad white, black-edged lines (1 on FW, 2 on HW), 1 large red-orange patch near long tail. 1 along lower margin; small white dots near HW base.


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