Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Gray Hairstreak

Gray Hairstreak
The Gray Hairstreak (Strymon melinus), is one of the most common hairstreaks in North America, ranging over nearly the entire continent. It occurs also throughout Central America and in northern South America. Gray Hairstreak is one of the most generally distributed butterflies. The caterpillar is known regionally as the "cotton square borer," and has upon occasion damaged commercial bean, hops, and cotton crops.

Gray Hairstreaks now occur in all the California islands, having colonized Catalina Island, stronghold of the Avalon Hairstreak, in 1978. By 1979 both species from Catalina showed atypical variation, implying possible hybridization between them. Until now, the Gray Hairstreak has appeared to exclude the Avalon Hairstreak from the other California islands; therefore, scientists and conservationists are watching the Gray Hairstreak's influx to Catalina with apprehension.

Gray Hairstreak
Gray HairstreakLife Cycle :
Egg pale green. Caterpillar variable of Gray Hairstreak , usually grass-green to translucent green, with white to mauve diagonal side stripes; various host plants are nearly 50 different plants in over 20 families; host plants include corn (Zea mays), oak (Quercus), cotton (Gossypium), strawberry (Fragaria), and mint (Lamiacea), legumes and mallows preferred. Chrysalis brown with copious black mottling.


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